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Self-Abandonment and Anxious Attachment: Reclaiming Yourself in Relationships 

You might be experiencing self-abandonment linked to an anxious attachment style. However, there's a key to reclaiming yourself in relationships, and it lies in self-awareness. Recognizing these patterns is the first empowering step toward healing and forging healthier, more fulfilling connections with others—and, most importantly, with yourself.

anxious attachment coach, couple on counter

Do you ever feel like you're losing yourself in your relationships, constantly bending over backward to make others happy, even at the expense of your well-being? Maybe you struggle with anxiety in relationships, where fears of rejection or abandonment lead you to always put others' needs before your own.

If this resonates with you, it's a sign that you might be experiencing self-abandonment linked to an anxious attachment style. However, there's a key to reclaiming yourself in relationships, and it lies in self-awareness. Recognizing these patterns is the first empowering step toward healing and forging healthier, more fulfilling connections with others—and, most importantly, with yourself.

self-abandonment and anxious attachment, girl reading alone

What is Self-Abandonment?

Self-abandonment is a psychological phenomenon where we reject, suppress, or ignore parts of ourselves to maintain relationships or gain approval from others. It's a coping mechanism often rooted in early experiences that can become damaging in adult relationships, leading to codependency and a loss of self-identity.
Self-identity refers to the unique characteristics, beliefs, and values that define us as individuals. When we self-abandon, we often lose touch with these aspects of ourselves, leading to a sense of disconnection and dissatisfaction.

Why Does Self-Abandonment Happen?

Often, self-abandonment behaviors are learned in childhood. If your early caregivers were inconsistent, emotionally unavailable, or overly critical, you may have developed an anxious attachment style. Because of this, you may have learned to prioritize others' needs and seek external validation to feel secure, even if it meant abandoning parts of yourself.

Think of it like this: imagine you have a beautiful garden full of diverse plants, each representing a part of you. When you self-abandon, it's like neglecting certain plants, not giving them the water and sunlight they need to thrive, all to focus on the plants you think others prefer. Over time, those neglected parts of you wither, leaving you feeling incomplete and disconnected from yourself.

self-abandonment, anxious attachment coaching

The Self-Abandonment Cycle and Triggers in Adult Relationships

As an adult, certain relationship triggers, like fear of rejection or conflict, can bring out these self-abandoning tendencies. You might find yourself agreeing to things you don't want to do, suppressing your feelings, or contorting yourself to fit others' expectations.

Over time, this pattern can lead to resentment and dissatisfaction within your relationships. However, breaking this cycle can bring significant positive changes in your life. It can lead to healthier, more fulfilling relationships, a stronger sense of self, and greater well-being. This process requires self-awareness, self-compassion, and the courage to set boundaries, but the rewards are worth the effort.

What Does Self-Abandonment Look Like?

Self-abandonment can manifest in many ways. For instance, you might say yes when you want to say no, like always canceling your plans whenever your partner wants to hang out, even if you were looking forward to some alone time. Another example could be neglecting your physical or emotional needs, pushing yourself to exhaustion, or ignoring feelings of discomfort or unhappiness.

Another common sign is silencing your opinions to avoid rocking the boat. Perhaps you never share your true feelings in fear of being rejected or judged. You might constantly seek others' approval, basing your self-worth on external validation rather than your sense of self.

Self-abandonment can also look like staying in unhealthy relationships out of fear of being alone, even when your needs aren't being met. You may tolerate mistreatment or compromise your values to maintain the relationship, even when you know deep down that you are worthy and deserving of love and respect.

These are just a few examples of how self-abandonment can manifest daily. By recognizing your own similar patterns, you can start making more conscious choices that honor your needs and well-being.

self-abandonment, anxious attachment coach

Breaking the Cycle of Self-Abandonment

Healing self-abandonment starts with awareness. Begin to notice when you're ignoring your needs or silencing your voice. Ask yourself, "What do I need right now?" and learn to prioritize those needs, even if it initially feels uncomfortable.

Setting Boundaries

Setting boundaries is key. Practice saying no when something doesn't feel right. Remember, a healthy relationship allows room for both people's needs and desires.

Communicating your boundaries clearly and calmly and using "I" statements to express your needs and feelings without seemingly placing blame can help keep conversations constructive. With practice, setting boundaries will become more natural, and you'll develop a stronger sense of self within your relationships.

Self-Soothing Techniques

Self-soothing is another powerful tool. When those anxious attachment feelings arise, try taking some deep breaths, placing your hand on your heart, and speaking kindly to yourself, like you would to a dear friend. Remind yourself that you are worthy of love and respect, just as you are. 

Additionally, you can engage in things that bring you joy or comfort, such as reading a book, taking a walk in nature, or listening to calming music.

Prioritizing Your Needs

Learning to prioritize your needs is essential to breaking the self-abandonment cycle. This includes learning to advocate for yourself, which means speaking up for your needs, wants, and feelings respectfully and assertively.

Start with small steps, like setting aside time each day for an activity you enjoy or expressing your opinion on a preference. As you gradually work to bigger issues, you'll strengthen your self-advocacy and self-care muscles.

Building a Supportive Network

When you have an anxious attachment, it is crucial to surround yourself with a network of supportive, healthy relationships, which might include friends, family members, or support groups who validate your experiences.

These supportive connections provide a sense of belonging and emotional safety, helping to counteract the negative self-beliefs and fears often associated with anxious attachment. By engaging in these relationships, you can build trust, practice vulnerability, and develop a more secure attachment style, fostering a stronger sense of self and creating a foundation for more fulfilling connections in all areas of your life.

self-abandonment, anxious attachment coach

You Deserve to be Seen and Heard: Take the First Step Toward a Secure Attachment Style

Remember, self-abandonment is not a personal failing. It's a learned behavior that you have the power to unlearn. By understanding your patterns and committing to small acts of self-love and self-advocacy, you can gradually reclaim those abandoned parts of yourself.

Therapy is a powerful tool in untangling deeply ingrained patterns like self-abandonment and anxious attachment. In therapy, you can explore how your early relationships have shaped your attachment style and identify the root causes of your self-abandoning behaviors. With the right support and practice, you can learn to show up authentically in your relationships and build a loving connection with yourself.

If you're ready to dive deeper into healing anxious attachment and self-abandonment, I'm here to support you. As a therapist in Fort Collins, I specialize in helping individuals develop more secure, authentic relationships - with others and with themselves. Reach out today to schedule a free consultation and take the first step towards embracing all of who you are.

About the Author

anxious attachment coach

Hannah Dorsher, MA, LPC, NCC, CAT, EMDR is a Therapist and Relationship & Attachment Coach in Fort Collins, CO who specializes in helping those struggling with anxiety, self-esteem, toxic/unhealthy relationships, anxious attachment issues, break ups, and trauma. I provide therapy with clients in CO and FL, and I provide attachment coaching for dating, marriage & motherhood to clients across the globe! Check out my Anxious Attachment course—”Anxious to Secure-Healing Your Anxious Attachment”—here.

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Hannah Dorsher Hannah Dorsher

Understanding the Impact of Anxious Attachment in Motherhood

This blog explores the unexpected challenges of anxious attachment in motherhood. From intense worries to difficulty trusting help, discover the roots of anxious attachment and its impact on your parenting journey. Uncover practical strategies for addressing anxious attachment in motherhood and nurturing a secure emotional environment for your child.

Understanding the Impact of Anxious Attachment in Motherhood

From the moment you first saw that positive pregnancy test, the worries may have already started flooding your mind. Will I be a good mom? What if I can't soothe the baby when they cry? How will I protect my child from every imaginable danger in this big, bad world?

You had eagerly awaited motherhood yet still found yourself unexpectedly plunged into anxiety. If this resonates at all, know that you're not alone. Let's explore how having an anxious attachment style can unexpectedly impact motherhood and practical ways to manage the challenges with self-compassion.

What is Anxious Attachment and Why Does it Develop?

Anxious attachment is an emotional regulation style rooted in childhood. Those with an anxious attachment tend to be highly sensitive and emotionally reactive. They deeply desire close relationships but also feel insecure and fearful of rejection.

Anxious attachment typically stems from inconsistent nurturing in early childhood. If your primary caregivers were sometimes there for you, but other times they were absent or inconsistent, it can leave you with a deep-seated fear of being abandoned. Unfortunately, this fear can stick with you into adulthood, even if your current circumstances don't justify it. So, if you find yourself feeling anxious in motherhood and relationships, it's not your fault. It's just that early nurturing might have left you with some lingering uncertainties.

How and Why Anxious Attachment Issues Crop Up in Motherhood

If you're a mom with an underlying anxious attachment style, it can catch you off guard by intensifying in new ways:

Intense Worries About Meeting Your Child's Needs: You may constantly second-guess your ability to properly nurture, soothe, and support your child's development. This often stems from a deeply rooted fear of failing those who are reliant on you in the way you may have felt failed as a child. If left unaddressed, this can contribute to missing developmental cues from your child and struggling to attune to their needs.

Difficulty Tolerating Cries: Your baby's cries might fill you with self-blame and painful distress vs. merely signaling your little one's unmet needs. This reflects core fears of rejection after a lifetime of feeling unsafe expressing your own needs and emotions. Over time, always being on high alert for cries can deplete your reserves, leaving minimal patience for responding sensitively.

Hypervigilance About Safety: You may exhaust yourself trying to prevent any imaginable danger that stems from an inability to tolerate feelings of vulnerability. Despite best efforts, no one can ever make life completely risk-free. The futile attempt to do so can become all-consuming, limiting your child's opportunities to explore, take risks, and build resilience.

Losing Yourself and Feeling Overwhelmed: Balancing motherhood and personal identity can uncover unresolved issues of self-worth stemming from emotional neglect in childhood. In order to avoid burnout and consistently and compassionately care for your little one, it's crucial to refuel by addressing your own needs.

Fear of Judgment: Every perceived judging look or comment from friends or family about your child's development can feel like criticism directed at your inherent worthiness and abilities as a mother. Pre-existing worries amplify shame, leaving you feeling under constant scrutiny. Over time, strain on these relationships can lead to isolation and reluctance to seek support.

Difficulty Trusting Childcare Help: Being there for your child is important, but you can't do all of it alone. Allowing others to help can give your child valuable experiences and help them connect with others, build confidence, and grow.

Of course, no mother escapes occasional bouts of parental anxiety. But those with anxious attachment often endure this intensity of worry far more frequently, which can, in turn, impact kids. Research shows anxious parenting correlates to anxious children. But when mothers feel secure within themselves, children intuitively build their own sense of emotional safety and trust.

The good news is that awareness of your attachment tendencies, including thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, is the first step. From here, you can learn new strategies to quiet the anxious mind - not just to get through those early years of parenthood but to show up fully present for your child's whole journey.

Strategies for Coping with Anxious Attachment in Motherhood

As an anxiously attached mother myself, I've learned coping strategies that help minimize angst and show up more fully present:

Seek understanding and compassion. Recognize these common struggles as wired-in sensitivity vs. personal failure or weakness.

Enlist support systems. New mom groups, nannies, friends, family, and therapy can all help reality-check worries.

Prioritize self-care. Carve out small pockets of space for sleep, nutritious meals, movement, and fun amidst mom chaos.

Cultivate emotional regulation skills. Practice mindfulness, deep breathing, journaling, etc., to manage difficult emotions when triggered.

Set healthy boundaries with your child. As a mother with an anxious attachment, it's especially difficult to balance your and your child's needs. Put aside regular alone time to recharge, and remember that it's okay for your child to develop independence and self-soothing skills, too.

Let go of judging yourself and others. Compassion for the universal challenges of motherhood is freeing.

Stay grounded in your values and hopes as a parent. Allow your values and priorities to guide you; let your focus on what matters steer you from getting lost in the anxiety maze.

Every Day is a New Day

The transition to motherhood stirs up intense emotions for everyone. But for those with an anxious attachment style, it can be especially overwhelming and filled with self-doubt. That's why getting support tailored to your unique needs matters so much for you and your little one.

Even small steps toward understanding yourself and your attachment style can start ripples of positive change for your family. And remember, Mom, you are not just "anxious;" you are a sensitive, caring soul walking your own path. Stay faithful that all the effort you pour into raising babies rooted first and foremost in unconditional love will sustain them well throughout life.

If aspects of this anxious motherhood journey resonate and you want specialized care in addressing anxious attachment patterns, I encourage you to schedule your free 15-minute consultation today. (Colorado and Florida residents only).

You can also get started healing your anxious attachment today by downloading my free guide: Anxious to Secure in Motherhood and Marriage here, or learn to regulate your emotions skillfully by downloading my free Emotion Regulation Skills Guide here.

About the Author

Hannah Dorsher, MA, LPC, NCC, CAT, EMDR is a therapist in Fort Collins, CO who specializes in helping those struggling with anxiety, self-esteem, toxic/unhealthy relationships, anxious attachment issues, break ups, and trauma. I work with clients in CO and FL. Schedule a free consultation call with me here!

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Hannah Dorsher Hannah Dorsher

What’s Wrong with Me? Why Can’t I Find a Healthy Relationship?

If you’re stuck in a cycle of insecurity and disappointment, it’s time to explore your attachment style. Dive into the challenges of anxious attachment and discover how it can lead to destructive relationship patterns. Learn about the impact of anxious attachment on your dating behaviors, break free from the fear of healthy relationships, and understand how to dismantle the cycle of anxious attachment.

What’s Wrong with Me? Why Can’t I Find a Healthy Relationship?

If you've grown up feeling insecure, unfulfilled, and disappointed in relationships, it can seem like there must be something wrong with you. Why is it that everyone else seems to find healthy and fulfilling connections — but for some reason, your attempts at lasting stability always fall apart?

If any of this sounds familiar to you, it may be time for a closer look at your attachment style. In this blog, we'll explore the challenges of attachment styles, focusing on anxious attachment to uncover how this attachment style can lead to unhelpful relationship choices and patterns.

Recognizing these attachment patterns will shed light on why destructive relationship patterns persist, empowering you to break free from the cycle and form healthy connections that are genuinely fulfilling and meaningful.

The Impact of Anxious Attachment

We all have relationship struggles and unique ways of forming emotional bonds with others, and our earliest experiences often shape these patterns.

If you were raised in an emotionally cold or inconsistent caregiver-child relationship, it could lead to difficulty trusting your partner to meet your needs for love, attention, and security. You may struggle to create secure and lasting relationships due to your insecurities or need for validation. This anxious attachment style often leads to behaviors rooted in fear, such as coming across as clingy, jealous, overly dependent, or possessive.

The Anxious-Avoidant Trap

Attachment styles - whether secure, avoidant, or anxious - play an important role in shaping our adult relationships. For example, people with an avoidant attachment style may struggle with emotional intimacy and forming close relationships as they avoid emotional vulnerability and the discomfort of too much closeness.

On the other hand, an anxious attachment style is characterized by the fear of abandonment, seeking constant reassurance, and clinging desperately to relationships - even when they are unhealthy.

One of the most challenging relationship dynamics is when an anxiously attached person is paired with an avoidantly attached partner. This situation creates what is known as the anxious-avoidant trap.

In this trap, each person's attachment style triggers the other's insecurities and defense mechanisms, leading to a cycle of negative behaviors that increase anxiety and distance between them.

The anxiously attached person needs emotional closeness and reassurance from their partner. But the avoidantly attached partner – independent and self-reliant – often feels overwhelmed by this neediness, so they retreat and become emotionally distant. This behavior only increases the anxiety and attachment-seeking behavior of the anxiously attached partner; it becomes a loop of frustration, disappointment, and a truckload of "What's wrong with me?" and "Am I not enough?". This pattern creates a strong sense of instability and unease in the relationship, making it hard for either partner to feel secure or fulfilled.

Attraction to Emotionally Unavailable Partners

Anxiously attached people often find themselves drawn to emotionally unavailable partners, craving love and intimacy but feeling unable to truly connect with their partners. This can lead to a cycle of frustration and disappointment alongside feelings of rejection and inadequacy.

Now, let's talk about why these emotional chase scenes happen. The roots go back to childhood experiences of inconsistent or neglectful parenting, leading to insecurity and fear of abandonment.

Anxious attachers got used to the tune of being let down or ignored by the people who should have had their backs. So, they unintentionally hit replay by looking for partners who give off a similar vibe, finding comfort in the familiarity, even if the relationship itself sucks and is unsatisfying.

The problem with seeking out partners who resemble our caregivers in this sense is that it only reinforces anxious attachment behaviors, like remaining on edge, expecting the worst, and constantly seeking data to support their fears. This means that even when they find a secure and attentive partner, they may not be able to recognize them as such or fully trust them.

Fear of Healthy Relationships

Anxiously attached individuals often experience discomfort in the presence of secure and emotionally healthy partners. When you're used to relationships characterized by drama, insecurity, and inconsistency, you can see why adjusting to a different dynamic might be difficult.

For one, a healthy relationship's lack of intense highs and lows might be unsettling for someone used to dramatic relationship dynamics. If you grew up in an environment where conflict was commonplace, you might continue to thrive on the intense emotions of unhealthy relationships; therefore, you might view a healthy relationship as boring and uneventful.

Anxiously attached individuals often develop a belief that if a relationship isn't fueled by the emotional fire of fights, where conflict is misinterpreted as a sign of passion and love, then it isn't worth having. The discomfort and unfamiliarity can lead one to seek out emotionally unavailable partners, perpetuating the cycle of fear, resistance, and self-sabotage.

Breaking the Cycle of Anxious Attachment

If you've ever felt trapped in a cycle of emotional highs and lows or drawn to partners who seem emotionally distant, you're not alone. If this isn't the type of relationship experience you want, learning about anxious attachment styles could unlock a world of possibilities. Awareness of these patterns and the influence of attachment styles on your relationship choices is the first step toward cultivating more secure and fulfilling connections.

It's important to acknowledge that these patterns have deep roots, often stretching back to our earliest moments. The comfort found in what's familiar, even if it's not what we truly need, is a natural response–and no, there's nothing wrong with you. But the good news is you are capable of breaking free from this cycle.

Ready to take the next steps?

Seeking support is a smart choice. At Hannah Dorsher Counseling, I provide a safe space to understand your attachment style and its impact on your relationships as you learn to make intentional choices for healthier ones. Through attachment-based therapy centered on awareness, trust, and secure attachment interactions, you can learn to replicate these experiences in other relationships and build a brighter future. If you’re in CO or FL, schedule your free 15-minute consultation call with me here to get started.

About the Author

Hannah Dorsher, MA, LPC, NCC, CAT, EMDR is a therapist in Fort Collins, CO who specializes in helping those struggling with anxiety, self-esteem, toxic/unhealthy relationships, anxious attachment issues, break ups, and trauma. I work with clients in CO and FL. Schedule a free consultation call with me here!

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Hannah Dorsher Hannah Dorsher

6 Nervous System Calming Skills to use After a Breakup

Healing from a break up is hard and can dysregulate your nervous system. Read for doable skills to help calm your nervous system in the wake of heartbreak.

6 Nervous System Calming Skills to use After a Breakup


Almost all of us have been there—the heartbreak felt after a breakup can be truly overwhelming and dysregulating. In the aftermath of a breakup so many things change—your schedule, your activities, the people you spend time with, the person you text about your day...  All this sudden change can leave you feeling very anxious, devastated, and at a loss for how to soothe yourself. Sometimes it feels like the only thing that would really soothe the emotional pain is the person you are no longer in a relationship with. However, that is not the case. This blog will give you some basic skills to use to help self-soothe your nervous system and help it return to a more regulated state in the wake of a breakup.


Why are we targeting the nervous system?


During a breakup, the sympathetic nervous system—responsible for your fight/flight/freeze response—becomes activated due to the sense of loss (or abandonment) and the emotional intensity of the situation. This can lead to an increase in stress hormones being released that can affect your sleeping patterns, eating habits, heart rate, breathing rate, ability to concentrate, ability to make sound decisions, mood instability, etc. The sooner you can begin to

work on tending to your nervous system and allowing it to return to a regulated place, the better. 


Here are 6 things you can do to calm your nervous system after a breakup:


1)    Get physical exercise:  Moving your body helps to reduce the amount of stress hormones you have circulating, and it also causes your brain to release endorphins (feel good chemicals) which improve your mood. Even going for a walk can provide you with the benefits above. Trying yoga or dance or other somatic movements can also help to calm your nervous system and increase body awareness and help you relax.

2)    Grounding skills: Here is my favorite—grab yourself a hot drink (favorite coffee or tea, hot cocoa, etc). Hold the mug in your hand and notice how the warmth feels. Notice the weight of the drink, notice the texture of the mug. When you take a sip notice how it feels as you sip—is it warm? Can you feel the heat when you swallow? What is the texture of the drink like as you sip? Then notice the smell of the drink. Does it remind you of anything? Notice what the drink looks like—describe the color of the drink and the mug, do you notice steam rising from the cup, etc. Noticing your five senses grounds you in the present moment and reduce anxiety and calm your nervous system. You can try this with other objects as well.

3)    Connect with healthy loved ones: The power of connection is real! When you feel supported and cared for your brain sends your body signals to relax and calm down. Being able to talk about how you’re feeling with your friends and family can help release emotional stress and can help you gain new perspectives.

4)    Show yourself some love: Nurturing self-care activities can increase a sense of self-love and self-compassion. Try taking a long bath, going for a walk in nature, lighting candles and listening to soothing music, get a massage, etc.

5)    Deep breathing and/or guided meditation exercises: Deep breathing and meditation directly calm your nervous system. They allow you to strengthen your ability to stay grounded in the present (rather than spinning out in anxiety). They help you to relax and bring about a feeling of wellbeing. Try square breathing—breathing in for a count of 4, hold for 4 counts, out for 4 counts, and hold for 4, then repeat ten times.  For guided meditations—there are tons of free meditations on YouTube and Spotify. You can also use an app like Headspace or Calm.

6)    Try therapy: Talking to a professional about how you’re feeling is so helpful. Therapy can help you process your feelings, learns new ways of dealing with your feelings, identify relationship patterns that may be problematic, learn new ways of relating in relationships, etc. If there was an abusive component to your relationship history, trauma therapy (like EMDR) could very helpful too.


Focusing on calming your nervous system is an important part of healing; however, it’s important to remember that your healing process is unique. Be patient with yourself and allow yourself time to grieve and process your feelings—heartbreak hurts, but you can move forward!


About the Author

Hannah Dorsher, MA, LPC, NCC, CAT, EMDR is a therapist in Fort Collins, CO who specializes in helping those struggling with anxiety, self-esteem, toxic/unhealthy relationships, anxious attachment issues, break ups, and trauma. Contact me here.

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