Nurturing Secure Bonds in


Motherhood is a profound journey, filled with both joy and challenges. As a mother, your own attachment styles and patterns shape the bon you form with your child. And that bond, in turn, shapes their world, laying the foundation for their emotional and psychological development. Understanding and fostering secure attachments is crucial in nurturing a confident, resilient, and emotionally healthy child.

And this starts with your healing.

What Is Motherhood and

Attachment Therapy?

Motherhood and attachment therapy focuses on helping mothers understand the dynamics of attachment and how their interactions with their children influence these bonds. This therapeutic approach aims to:

  • Heal attachment wounds that may be interfering with your ability to bond with your children in a secure way

  • Strengthen the mother-child connection

  • Address any anxieties or challenges mothers face in parenting

  • Equip mothers with tools to foster secure attachments

  • Enhance the overall well-being of both mother and child

Why is this important?

Secure attachment between a mother and her child is essential for the child's overall well-being. It influences their ability to:

  • Form healthy relationships

  • Cope with stress

  • Develop a positive self-image

When a child feels securely attached, they are more likely to explore the world with confidence, knowing they have a safe base to return to. Conversely, insecure attachments can lead to difficulties in emotional regulation, self-esteem issues, and challenges in forming relationships later in life.

Meet Hannah Dorsher—Attachment in Motherhood Specialist

As a mother who has personally navigated the journey from anxious to secure attachment, I understand the unique challenges that come with motherhood. My own experience of healing my anxious attachment wounds has given me deep insight and empathy for other mothers facing similar struggles. With a Master's in Counseling and extensive experience in attachment-based therapy, I am well-equipped to guide you through this transformative process.

Who Is This Therapy For?

This therapy is ideal for mothers who:

  • Struggle with anxiety, stress, or feelings of inadequacy in their parenting role

  • Want to foster a secure and loving bond with their child

  • Are dealing with their own attachment wounds and wish to break the cycle for their children

  • Seek to enhance their parenting skills and emotional connection with their child

What Does Therapy Look Like?

Motherhood and attachment therapy involves a personalized approach tailored to your unique needs and experiences. Sessions may include:

  • Individual therapy focusing on your personal attachment history and its impact on your parenting

  • Practical strategies and tools for building secure attachments with your child

  • Support in managing parenting stress and anxiety

  • Techniques for enhancing communication and emotional connection with your child

  • Guidance on self-care and maintaining your well-being as a mother

Together, we will work towards creating a nurturing environment where both you and your child can thrive. Through understanding, empathy, and practical support, you can cultivate a secure and loving bond that will positively influence your child's life and your own.